Friday, March 5, 2010

And so on.....

In all my bragging about the little boys, I forgot to brag about the big ones.
Austin made it to the 3A State (Washington) Wrestling finals. He lost out on the 1st day, though.
He is planning to bull ride again this spring. He will be doing some Pro riding, as well as High School and Jr Rodeo.
Stephanie and Melissa were in a talent show for a church youth activity over the last weekend. Melissa is head cheer leader at the middle school.
Cody has done really well at PeeWee wrestling. He is pretty athletic, and has Austin to "help" him out with his moves and pins.
Kelsey is just about ready to start with the spring dance competitions. She is getting to be so tall. She has always looked so much like Dora, but as she gets older, I see a lot of her grandmother Skeen in her. Some of her expressions, and especially her body shape.
Kylie loves to ice skate. She has chosen it over dance the past 2 years.
Kambree is wanting to go to Kindergarten so bad. It is hard to have a January BD and have to wait clear until August to start!
Jennie sent this to me this morning. This is Hayden at Day Care. I can't believe he will be a year old next week. He has been cutting more teeth. He has 10 or 11 now. All four of his front teeth are in and a couple of his molars. He has had a hard time this week, but is doing better.
Marian got helmets for the boys to ride their bikes this summer. Ryan is helping Jackson put his on. Everyone need a big brother, huh?