Thursday, January 28, 2010

The end of January already???

I can't believe it is the end of January already. How time flies.
It is great, being able to stay home. I have been emptying file cabinets and teaching stuff. I think I have filled a recycle dumpster single-handed. With that and shredding anything that might give anyone a chance to identity theft, I have really cleaned out a lot. Unfortunately, on the outside, it does not look like I have accomplished much, but I am really making a lot of dent in the files.
Jennie leaves Hayden with me 1 or 2 days a week, depending on Jeff's work schedule. I can't believe he will be a year old in 6 weeks. He is growing like a weed. He walks around furniture, and even stands alone if he has something in his hands. He has not been brave enough to stand emptyhanded for me.
Kambree turned 5 on the 13th. She thinks that now she is 5, she should be able to go to kindergarten, and not pre-school. It is hard for her to understand. Her daddy had a business trip to China, He sent pictures of him on the Great Wall of China, and in the Forbidden City in Bejing. They sure brought back memories of my trip in 2000. He was gone for 10 days, and is back home now. He has done a lot of traveling over the past couple of years. He is seeing the world, and being able to go do some sight-seeing when in different countries.
Here are Jackson and Maclay putting together puzzles. Maclay is very accomplished at the task. Jackson is more interested in emptying the pieces onto the floor.
Kambree and Kylie, playing with the poster book that Marian and the boys gave her for her birthday.
Ryan and Jackson watching TV and snacking.
Hayden, Ryan and Jackson on my couch.
We have had several snow storms this month. The past couple of weeks we have had above freezing temperatures, so it melts quickly. There is quite a bit on the north side of the house, where the sun does not get to it, but the front lawn is clear.
I have finished the top to my heritage quilt. There are pictures of it posted on our Dorinda blog spot, at
I am working on a denim quilt for Austin's graduation. It has been fun cutting up old jeans to use for the blocks. It also emptied a big stack of jeans out of my closet.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Sorry Maclay, I did not check for spelling errors. I am on the lap-top and the keys are too close together.

Happy New Year

We had a wonderful Christmas. We had our family party on the 23rd and all the Utah based family came. Santa stopped by and checked to make sure the kids were behaving.
Kelsey and Santa
Kambree and Kylie shared the visit

Mackat would have nothing to do with Santa. He spent most of the evening on Grandpa's lap. After he ate, he took a little nap, then lost his dinner. The next morning he had a fever and Dora took him to the Urgent Care, where they found both ears to be infected. He was put on antibiotics for ten days, but a week into that Rx, he broke out in hives. He is finally done with the course, and is back to his normal self again,

Ryan and Jackson thought Santa was OK!

Hayden was not so sure.

Christmas morning with new sweat shirts

and new trucks.

Hayden's 1st Christmas.

He has a mouthful of teeth!

He got right into opening the presents!
We stayed home for New Year's Eve, and let Marian go to a party with her friends. Paul had a root canal on Wednesday and was 3 hours in the dentist chair, and I woke up with bronchitis, so staying home was no problem for either of us. The boys went to bed early, and so did we.

Paul and Marian worked on New Year's Day. Paul opened the store and Marian took the 2nd shift. It was a pretty quiet day for them both.

Today was Ryan's first day in Sunbeams. He did pretty well, but had a hard time sitting in his chair in the Primary Room. He was curious about everything on the stand. He was very excited to see Jackson when we went to get him from Nursery. They hugged each other like it had been days since they had seen each other. It was very cute!

We are all feeling much better today. My cough has settled down and Paul's mouth is feeling better. He goes back in another 10 days to have it finished. He is still on antibiotics for a couple more days. The tooth was pretty bad and the endodontist wants to make sure it has cleared up before he seals it. He will end up getting a crown in a few weeks.

Happy New Year to you all