Monday, May 23, 2011

Life at Home

Kylie had her skate review on the 13/14 of May. She is doing really well. Above is a shot from the back and below she is on the left. Dora made her costume. They were all dressed in white to represent winter. It was very cute. She will be 9 on Wednesday.
And Jennie went back to work on May 11, so until Stephanie gets here in June, I have the kids. The boys just LOVE Madeline and can't leave her alone. Most of the time, she is pretty tolerant and smiles and goos at them. Sometimes she cries, so it is time to pull them away.
They both think they can pick her up and carry her, so have to be supervised very closely.
Jackson is totally attitude. Here is his "I'm so MAD" face. Ryan actually took this picture, so I am sure they were fighting over the camera.
They are totally partners in crime. When I want to keep something away from them, it goes on top of the refrigerator. They have had all climbing helps taken away (step stools, etc), so now they use each other.
Jackson gets up on Ryan's back and gets to where he can put his foot in the water dispenser, then up he goes. Have to find another place that is not so easily accessible for them.
Right now they are getting ready to move. Marian has accepted a promotion to manager, but the store is in Huntington, and it is 2 hours each way. She is looking in Castle Dale right now for a place to live. She will be starting around June 1st if she can find a place by then.
Life will certainly be quiet with them gone.


  1. Kylie is growing up even faster than you think - she will be 10 on Wednesday.

    Thank you so much for all you do for us mom!!!

  2. I can totally picture Maddi Jo doing something like that. Those little monkeys.

  3. You are correct, Jenalyn. My brain was on protecting your baby more than attention to details, I am afraid.
