Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Don't Mess with the Wheelbarrow or Big Rocks.

A couple of weeks ago I was trying to move a big rock for my flower bed. I had dug up all the grass and thinned the iris and day lily plants. I wanted to move around some rocks, so I got the rock into the wheelbarrow and as I went to move it, the rock rolled and tipped over the wheelbarrow. In the process, I twisted my knee, fell down, and hit my head on another rock. Up I got, hoping no one had seen me, and replaced the rock into the wheelbarrow. Again, it rolled and flipped me back to the ground. So the rock stays where it was. My next door neighbor actually saw it happen and came to help me put the rock back in it's original spot and we left it alone.
I ended up in the ER with an injury to my knee. I was on crutches for a couple of days, but the swelling caused more pain when I wore the brace, so I gave that up for an ace wrap. On Saturday I spent too much time on my feet, and the swelling and brusing followed gravity and my foot and ankle swelled up, and the bruising showed up there too. (A normal phenomenon). I can't get the computer to post my pictures. But the bruising is pretty well healed.
I am now walking without ace or crutches, but I am wearing support knee-high stockings. The place that hurt the most was the puncture wound on my head. It was too small to staple or stitch, but it did bruise. I now feel more pain where my muscles attach, both above and below the knee. Probably from trying to protect the injury.
Jennie's babysitter has sick kids, so we have had Hayden at our house for a couple of days. He is getting so big. Yesterday Grandpa took all 3 boys out for a ride in the wagon. They loved it.
Will try later to post pictures. Weird how that works sometimes.


  1. It wasn't even Friday the 13th when you got in a fight with the rock. I hope you are doing better.

  2. Much better, Thanks. I plan to work my regular floor shift tomorrow. It has been 2 weeks, so I am getting tired of being a cripple. Don't do well at that.

  3. Ouch! You and Shanna need to stay out of the yard for a while. When the snow comes it will cover everything, and you can stay inside to sip hot cocoa. I hope you are feeling better.

  4. I'm sorry you were injured, and hope you heal quickly. I'm glad it wasn't any worse. Maybe you and Shanna should take a vacation together to some nice safe place.:)
