Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Happenings and Misfortunes

What a crazy week, and it is only Tuesday.
Over the weekend Dora and Jennie and their friends had their yearly weekend at Bear Lake. They had a really good time. Jennie said Hayden was not a happy camper, and she thought maybe he was just out of his element. Last night she discovered a tooth. He is not quite 5 months old, and already a tooth and out of his sleepers. She has been using the kind with feet, and his toes are curling up. He is growing like a weed.
Maclay turned 2 on Thursday last week. Because of all the comings and goings at their house, his party will be a little late. We will celebrate this weekend with them.
The dog next door, that would not ignore Ryan in the dark (a couple of posts ago), has been sick. They think kids across the fence have been feeding her stuff she should not eat. Anyway, $3,000.00 in vet bills. That is crazy, because you can't get health insurance for your pets.
Last night Paul tripped over a tent tie-down, while taking down the tent. He went down hard, landing on the raised garden. He scrapped up his elbow on the railroad ties, but dislocated his shoulder. 3 hours in the ED, after spending an 8 hour day there working, is not my idea of a fun evening. He is doing okay today. Did not even take any of the pain pills they gave him. He can't lift, so is taking a couple of days off work. Marian worked for him this morning, and someone else will cover tomorrow. We hope he can go in on Thursday. His elbow hurts worse than the shoulder. I will keep the bandages on until tomorrow, then look at it. He is in a sling and swathe for a few days. What a freaky accident.
I got a little wading pool for the boys, but they cried because the water was too cold. This morning, while I was tending them, I let them re-fill it. It was their ideas to get into the water, and it was probably colder than on Saturday. They had a blast.
I may end up putting this blog as private. There has been a story on the news, where a lady was told that her baby's picture was being used as an adoption picture. The supposed place was somewhere overseas. She looked it up, and it was a picture she had posted on her blog. She e-mailed the address to ask about the adoption and the baby, and was told it would cost her $3,000.00 for information. SCARY!!!
Well, I have to go to the pharmacy, so better close for now. Happy August.


  1. Well, only a few more days to get through to the weekend! Glad you are all okay. Hugs, Claire

  2. Wow, my horse bill was only a couple hundred!

    I feel real bad about Paul's dislocated shoulder. My husband dislocated his elbow a couple years ago and still has struggles with it. I guess it is worse than a break.

    I'm wondering about making mine private also, but I'll allow you and other family members access.

  3. I called Dad yesterday to see how he was doing. He made sure to tell me that he didn't dislocate his shoulder because he is old, and that it happens to young people too! I thought that was funny that he made a point to tell me that.

  4. I hope Paul heals quickly.

    About the stolen picture, there are too many predators lurking out there. I love being able to keep up on what family and friends are doing, so I still like blogs. Maybe I will feel safer making the blog private.
