Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another day in the life at home

No pictures today, but just a note. I am feeling thankful this morning. Last night at 10:30 pm our next door neighbor was calling through the back door. I went to see what was up and she said that Ryan and her daughter were on the front porch. There he was, in Kori's arms, smiling and thinking he had really pulled off a good one.
I had both boys asleep and went downstairs to copy some stuff for work today. I left the doors open to allow the cool night air to cool the house without using electricity. Ryan knows how to open the back storm door, but since he was asleep, I did not lock it. Besides, Paul was still outside and Marian was still at work.
Anyway, he sneaked out the back door and started down the sidewalk. The neighbor and her daughter had just completed their nightly run and were putting the dog in the house, when she (the dog) stopped and looked down the sidewalk. The neighbor turned to see what she was looking at and saw Ryan standing there looking at them. She put the dog in and went to get Ryan, who took off running on down the sidewalk. She had another work-out catching him. All is good, and I will no longer trust the sleeping child to remain asleep. The doorknob covers are taped on, so boys can't remove them.
This morning Jackson climbed the ladder to the top bunk and fell off. Fortunately, no broken bones, just hurt feelings.
I think I need a vacation. They keep us going. The shirt Jackson wore yesterday says "My parents are exhausted", but it needs to say "My Grandparents are exhausted." We are.


  1. How lucky are we that you have good neighbors!

    Daniel needs a shirt that says, "Ready, set, I am gonna win!"

    Ann you must agree that these little guys are the best things that could happen to OUR health. We wouldn't do nearly as much running or lifting without them around.

  2. I think I need to stop by and give both little guys (AND YOU) a hug!!

  3. Thanks to both of you. Yes, we do get our exercise.

  4. I'm glad he was watched over!
