Monday, February 9, 2009

February 2009

Greetings to one and all,

The other blog I set up did not seem to be very friendly. When I went in to add something new, it changed everything. Since we are using this site for our Dorinda stuff, I thought I would rather try it instead.

So... to catch up with what is going on with us:

Paul is still working weekday mornings at the local gas station/convenience store. He really likes it there. It is his social hour and it makes him get out of bed in the mornings. He has a goal to make every customer smile. Sometimes it takes a while, but everyone likes him and will eventually give him at least a half-hearted smile.

In our ward, he is the Scout Committee Chairman. We have a great ward and our youth leaders are awesome, so he mostly just coordinates things for them.

I (Ann) am still working full time at the hospital. I work 1 clinical shift a week in the ED. The rest of the time I am in meeings or at my desk. We are expecting our Joint Commission certification survey any day, so the past couple of months have been a lot of hard work, pulling together what we think they may be looking at. This entails making sure everyone in the department has an updated training log and they are trained to do the things that they are doing.

I still put in a couple of overnight shifts every month at the Fire Department. I plan to retire in June, but before that I have to get everyone re-certified. That is a really big project also.

I teach Primary in our ward and have 8 beautiful 8 year old girls in my class. (No boys)

Vonda and Robert are still in Washington. The kids are growing up so fast. Austin is 16, Stephanie nearly 15, Melissa is 12 and Cody will be 9 in April. Austin is on the high school wrestling team and rodeos. He rides bareback broncs and bulls. The 2 scariest events in the rodeo. He did not do fall High School rodeo this year. It interferes with wrestling. Stephanie is coming to spend a few weeks in Utah this summer. We are excited to have her here. Melissa is the socialite and Cody wrestles and rodeos also. They are very busy.

Robert is still working at the Federal Prison in Sea Tac. He has become a BIG SeaHawks fan.

Vonda works as a waitress at Shari's. She has been in and out of there since Cody was a baby.

Jennie and Jeff live in Lehi. Jennie is still at Novell. She is the Admin Sec for a couple of the vice presidents, and has survived the cuts there. Jeff is currently unemployed. He has been working at a mortuary in Provo and going to school to become a mortician. Paul says there are not enough people dying to keep the mortuary busy.

At church, Jennie just was put in as 1st Counselor in the Young Women's. Jeff is a Home Teacher coordinator.

Their exciting news is that they will have a new baby boy in about 6 weeks. We are going to a baby shower tonight, and so I will have pictures to post. This one is being sponsored by her high school friends.

Dora and Paul are still in South Weber, and keeping busy. Paul is a partner at an accounting firm in Salt Lake, so it is the busy time of the year for him. His grandfather recently died and his dad had a stroke, so it has been hard for his mom. Dora is able to stay at home with her 4 kids. Kelsey is 10 and a dancer. Her team is very good and she is on the main team. Kylie decided not to dance this year. She is 7. Kambree is just 4, and loves dance and pre-school. And Maclay is 18 months old. He is a busy boy. He is our only blonde grandson.

Dora is in the Primary presidency and Paul is in the Young Mens organization.

Evan and Jaime are in Grantsville. Evan is working as an electrician on the big rebuild project in downtown Salt Lake City. He is out in the cold most of the day. He has been glad for good weather the past couple of weeks. Jaime is doing well in her law practice. She and her dad are a team, and their offices are in the front of the equestrian center. Between horses and work, she keeps really busy.

Marian also works at the gas station. She works evenings, so we have the boys in the evening. Ryan is 28 months old and Jackson is 16 months old. They are monkeys. They both climb and get into everything. They love to "play the piano" and play with toy cars. They are busy little guys and we enjoy having them in our home.

I will sign off for now, but will add more later.


  1. Glad you are up and running with a blog that actually works. It is so much fun to keep it up and for everyone to keep up with what's happening. I was surprised to see that Jennie's baby is due in March. I thought it was in May. Yea, maybe that means you can come for Alan's wedding!!!

  2. Oops! Sorry about that first comment. I'm not your Mom! I fixed that account so it you won't be confused!!

  3. Mom, Jeff is not unemployed. He works part time for Memorial, and is hoping to get on full time there. In the meantime, he is still looking for a full time job, although with school, I don't know when he'd have the time. Kylie decided not to dance this year because she is in ice skating. Just thought I'd fill in some blanks :) - Jennie
