Thursday, December 18, 2014

A few more pictures

Pictures with Dad

with Grandpa Robert

with Grandma Vonda

Our First Great-Grandchild

Yesterday morning we were just grandparents. Late afternoon/evening we became GREAT. Our oldest granddaughter, Stephanie delivered a bouncing baby boy. He was born by emergency c-section, as his heart rate would fall during contractions and he did not recover well enough between for the doctor to feel comfortable allowing labor to continue. 
Paul Merlin Turner was born at 6:41 CST, weighing in at 6 lb 4 oz, and measured 21 inches. Long and skinny! They tell us that he looks like his Daddy, Cameron!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Time to update!

I can't believe that I haven't posted for almost 3 years. I will have to do a bit of updating!
Our grandkids are growing up so fast. We have 13 of them, from 16 months up to 22 years, with our first great-grandchild due in December.
The big news this month is that the oldest of the 5 little boys turned 8 on Saturday, and was baptized by his Uncle Paul!

And right after that, Cub Scouts. He is growing up!