Monday, February 28, 2011

Re-opening Blog

I have decided to open my blog back up to everyone for a while. We will see how it goes.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February over already?

Tomorrow is the end if this month. It just started last week didn't it?
This week has been fun with the boys. Here is Hayden, wearing Grandpa's hats. He is going to be 2 in 2 weeks!
And Grandpa has his arms full of boys. He has about 100 lbs of boys hanging on him. They all 3 weigh over 30 pounds each.
And Grandpa has his daily "cowboy" session with the boys. Going over his head too many times has pulled his hood over the top of his head.

We keep busy with the boys. They are a lot of work, but a whole lot of fun too. Love them to pieces. If Marian ever moves out, it will sure be quiet here.
Another week or so, and Hayden will have a baby sister.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's day

Valentines day. Jennie and Hayden stopped by to deliver Valentines. The boys riding the tricycle. Here is Ryan.
Jackson and Hayden.
It has been warm the last couple of days. The boys have loved being able to go outside and walk and run. They are tired of being couped up in the house all winter. Better enjoy it while it lasts. Tomorrow night we are supposed to have winter again.